Literacy for early childhood

Colour monster emotion writing
Colour monster emotion writing
Perfect resource for children to understand their emotions

RWI A tracing
RWI a letter tracing.
These are the perfect letter tracing sheets to encourage and help the children to form and write letters correctly.
I laminate these and use marker pens to trace over.

RWI M tracing
Read, write inc (RWI) letter/sound m
RWI m letter tracing.
These are the perfect letter tracing sheets to encourage and help the children to form and write letters correctly.
I laminate these and use marker pens to trace over.

RWI T tracing
RWI t letter tracing.
These are the perfect letter tracing sheets to encourage and help the children to form and write letters correctly.
I laminate these and use marker pens to trace over.

RWI S tracing
RWI s letter tracing.
These are the perfect letter tracing sheets to encourage and help the children to form and write letters correctly.
I laminate these and use marker pens to trace over.

RWI D tracing
RWI m letter tracing.
These are the perfect letter tracing sheets to encourage and help the children to form and write letters correctly.
I laminate these and use marker pens to trace over.